July 21

Ninth Sunday after Pentecost

Proper 11


Is called to know, love, and serve Jesus as Savior and Lord,

to share his healing and transformation with all people.


Download the hymns
Download the 9am bulletin

Brian's Blog

You may have heard of the ancient blessing, supposedly originating in China: “May you live in interesting times.” The expression is ironic; ‘interesting times’ means ‘times of trouble.’ The saying is intended as a curse disguised as a blessing. Maybe you can relate to this, because we certainly live in interesting times!

My own view is that this has always been the case. And so, not surprisingly, there is a Psalm that speaks especially loudly during troubled times such as ours. It is Psalm 23, perhaps the most beloved passage in all the Bible. As it happens, Psalm 23 is appointed to be read in worship on this coming Sunday.

Psalm 23 is about an oasis of still waters and green pastures in the vast desert of life.


It’s worth emphasizing that this is a poem. The thing about poetry is that it aims to touch us in our hearts rather than our heads. The question to ask about this psalm is not: “What does it mean?” but instead “What does it mean to me?” 

We can all agree that the poet of the twenty-third psalm is offering a deep truth about the providence and care of God. But it would be a misreading of the psalm to say that the speaker is living a life free of trouble. The speaker must know the feeling of fear, of thirst, of hunger, of want. Only someone who has wandered in a desert can truly rejoice at finding an oasis of still waters and green pastures. Only someone who has seen disease, or famine, or war, or felt fear or anxiety for the future could call the world in which they live “the Valley of the Shadow of Death.” Our poet knows what means to lack what they need.

And yet, we have their poem of confident trust that God will deliver us from every evil and bring us to the oasis. That God will fix what has been broken. That God will restore our souls.

How that scriptural truth touches you will be different from how it touches me. Because we are different people, with different concerns, different circumstances, and different experiences of how God seems present with us, or absent from us, in our lives.

If we are feeling content, free of fear or want, we might say “yes,” this poem speaks the truth. If we are worried, or alone, or afraid, we might be skeptical of the claim that “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” Both circumstances speak to our humanity, to the ups and downs of life in a desert place where an oasis surely might be found, but can seem hidden, distant, or out-of-reach.

The twenty-third Psalm really is a gem. It is an expression of faith. It is an image of Christ the Good Shepherd. Above all, Psalm 23 is a beautiful, highly personal prayer. In our times of contentment, the 23rd Psalm serves us well as a song of thanksgiving. In our fearful times, when shadows seem threatening, it is a reassuring song of confidence that God will answer our pleas for guidance and help. 

Barely 100 words long, this little prayer can fit in your pocket, or be easily memorized so it is always with you. If you ever find yourself in need of words to pray, whether in times of abundance or in “interesting times” of trouble or need, Psalm 23 is there just for you.

Fr. Brian+

Acolyte Meeting:

Calling all potential acolytes – we will have a brief meeting with Fr. Brian following the worship service next Sunday, July 28th.

The following prayer was shared in a recent meeting of one our small group studies.

Holy and loving God,

Teach us to listen to you deeply within our soul.

Help us to recognize and identify behavior and attitudes that are not centered in you. Replace our egos with your kindness, so that we are able to lovingly challenge what is not fully shaping us into your image for the sake of others.

And may your mercy, your peace, and your love keep us steadfast. Guide us to not make missteps and stumble. Keep us upright, so we are equipped for the journey into your heart.

In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


Forward Day by Day for the months of August/September/October is now available. You will find this helpful resource in the Welcome Wagon.

Book Signing by Author, Steven Rim, on July 21st and 28th following worship. Steven has written a beautiful book entitled, 12 Miracles that Led My Soul. The books will be available at $20 each with all the proceeds going to the PoP Youth Ministry. You won’t want to miss this life-affirming book with a signature from the author!

New Directories! Please pick up your new Directory as you leave/enter the Narthex Sunday! Remember that all newcomers are immediately listed in the “online” Directory available to all parishioners at this address: http://www.servantkeeper.com/directory/popwh. This link is password protected - please call the office for the password for all our safety!

Bookmark the link and the entire Parish is at your fingertips. 

The Directory is also available as a PDF should you prefer that format. Simply email Ann in the office and we will email it to you or download it here.

Summer Shed Cleanout: During the latter part of July we will be cleaning out the storage building at church.  Several parishioners will help and we will hire a dumpster and begin to purge what is not needed. If there are things that you absolutely need in the storage shed will you please put a Post-It note on them with your ministry name. July 22 is when we will start. Questions, frustrations, blessings, comments as always are welcome.

Date set for 2024 Episcopal-Lutheran Night at Dodger Stadium

Episcopalians are invited to join their Lutheran siblings at Episcopal-Lutheran Night at Dodger Stadium on Friday, Sept. 6 at 7 p.m. 

The Dodgers will play the Cleveland Guardians. Tickets are $35. Fireworks and a drone show are scheduled after the game. 

To order tickets, please contact Ann in the office asap or by July 21st at the latest to reserve your tickets!


Sing-Along Movie Night

Saturday, Aug. 10

at 5:30pm at the Family Center


Invite friends and families to join us in this intergenerational fellowship event!

We’ll have a simple dinner together before the we watch and participate in this interactive movie experience.


Encanto is a Disney animated movie that holds important messages about spiritual giftedness, family dynamics, and how God created us to live in a community with one another.

RSVP to Alma Fountain – family@popwh.org or the church office.


Thank you, Prince of Peace for hosting another amazing VBS!

34 kids, 9 youth leaders, 21 adult volunteers actively participated and were richly blessed!

Your prayers, support, and encouragement impact lives!

CLICK HERE to see the video from Vacation Bible School!


SUMMER Sunday School will resume on July 27.


God bless you and all the children Jesus entrusted in our care!


Alma Fountain

YOUTH AND HIGH SCHOOL MINISTRY:  Climate Change: Hope Is a Renewable Resource

All Middle and High School Youth are invited to attend this 4-part presentation from the Diocese about Earth, God's gift to us and our island home. Classes are July 28, Aug 11, Aug 25 (all during Worship starting at 9AM), and Sep 8 (during Worship at 10AM). For questions, contact Dave Dumas at

Summer is here, and at

Prince of Peace that means

One service at 9am for

July & August!

We would love to have EVERYONE donate to the light refreshments during our

Summer Patio Coffee Hour.

We ask you to provide refreshments TWICE during the summer months. We have divided the parish into 4 "Alphabet Groups" to provide - whatever food item the Holy Spirit moves you to bring to share with all the parishioners! Here is the breakdown of the 4 groups and your date of service:

·        If your LAST NAME begins with   

A – E:  August 4th

·        If your LAST NAME begins with  

 F – L:  August 11th

·        If your LAST NAME begins with  

M – P:  THIS SUNDAY, July 21st         &         August 18th

·        If your LAST NAME begins with   

R – Z:  July 28th         &         August 25th


No one is required to bring anything specific,

whatever the Spirit moves you to share!

Please cut whatever you choose to bring into

serving sized pieces - finger foods are best.

Enjoy the summer at Prince of Peace with everyone together!

One service will continue at 9am for September 1st when we will celebrate in RFC as a whole Parish following worship! Not only is this Labor Day weekend – it is also Father Rand’s 70th birthday – be prepared for lots of fun and food as we joyously begin the fall season TOGETHER! 

  September 8th we return to the

8 and 10am schedule for worship.

+ + +

Donations for Fr. Rand's 70th birthday

will go toward the party and a gift to our beloved Rector.

You may

1.write a check with “birthday” in the memo line, or

2.make a donation on the Vanco website at https://secure.myvanco.com/YGJC/campaign/C-14ZJZ , or

3. use this QR quote to quickly link your gift:

Please replay quickly to your invitation from Paperless Post

 so we can plan accordingly. Thank you!

Lectio Divina If you’ve ever wondered “How can I grow in my prayer life?” or “What on earth is God saying?” or “How do I make sense of the Bible?”, we have some answers for you!  

For 5 weeks this summer, starting on Sunday, 7/28, at 10:30, we’ll be presenting a video series on Lectio Divina created by 24-7 Prayer (Pete Grieg) to help you learn to hear God through praying the Bible.   Lectio Divina is an ancient spiritual practice – a prayerful way of reading the Bible that allows for God to speak to us through the scripture in powerful ways. Here is a link to the online video course that we will be using: https://www.24-7prayer.com/resource/lectio-course/

Sessions will be held in the Youth Room at 10:30 for 5 weeks, starting Sunday 7/28 and ending Sunday, 8/25.   Grab your coffee and treats and join us! 

July 14th prayer requests and thanksgivings have been compiled and are available here for your prayers and meditation. Updated prayer requests are printed on a WEEKLY basis.

  • Please submit your prayer requests and thanksgivings in church on the yellow or blue prayer slips, OR by clicking here.

Prince of Peace Church

5700 Rudnick Ave,

Woodland Hills, CA 91367

+1 818-346-6968

