Is called to know, love, and serve Jesus as Savior and Lord,
to share his healing and transformation with all people.
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Services are held at 8am and 10am
The 10am service is livestreamed on YouTube
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The Deacon's Den
Can you believe it? We are already in the fifth week after Epiphany and the season of Lent is just around the corner, which means Ash Wednesday is almost upon us. Ash Wednesday.
Just what is the significance of Ash Wednesday? Well, in the early Christian church, the length of the Lenten celebration varied, but eventually it began 6 weeks (42 days) before Easter. This provided only 36 days of fasting (excluding Sundays). In the 7th century, 4 days were added before the first Sunday in Lent in order to establish 40 fasting days, in imitation of Jesus Christ’s fast in the desert.
And there you go: Ash Wednesday was established to begin the season of Lent, so that there would be 40 days of fasting and reflection before Easter Sunday. And notice, Sundays during Lent are excluded, so whatever you “give up” for Lent, you have a pass on Sundays.
It was the practice of the early Church for penitents and habitual sinners to begin their period of public penance on the first day of Lent in preparation for their restoration to the sacrament of the Eucharist. They were sprinkled with ashes, dressed in sackcloth, and had to remain apart until they were reconciled with the Christian community on Maundy Thursday, the Thursday before Easter. When these practices fell into disuse around the 9th and 10th centuries, the beginning of the penitential season of Lent was symbolized by placing ashes on the heads of the entire congregation.
Today, in the Church, the ashes are applied in the shape of a cross on the forehead of each worshipper on Ash Wednesday. These ashes are obtained by burning the palms used in the previous year’s Palm Sunday service. Receiving ashes is not one of the seven sacraments of the Church; therefore, anyone who wishes to receive ashes may do so, regardless of age, religion, or personal standing in the church. The ashes serve as a “memento mori”, a remembrance of the dead, and are often accompanied with some variation of the words, “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” Together with Good Friday, Ash Wednesday is an obligatory day of fasting and abstinence.
But here at Prince of Peace we do things a little bit differently. Yes, we have traditional Ash Wednesday services here at the church with services at 8am, 12noon, and 7pm, but we also take the ashes out to the people – people who may not have the time or the resources to make a trip to church. For the past 14 years we have taken ashes out to the people of our community with Ashes To Go, a ministry to impose ashes on the foreheads of hundreds of people on Ash Wednesday, from 8 AM to 6 PM at the northeast corner of Topanga Canyon and Ventura Boulevards. With teams of 2 to 3 parishioners on two-hour shifts, we have typically imposed ashes on over 600 foreheads on Ash Wednesday.
People are absolutely amazed that the church would take the time and the trouble to perform such a service – such a service of love and devotion. If you would like to participate in this ministry, please contact Deacon George either on the patio after service, or by email at, or on his phone. “Strengthen for service, Lord, the hands that holy things have taken.”
+Deacon George Packer
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HOLIDAY CLOSURE: The Prince of Peace Offices and the West Valley Food Pantry will both be closed Monday, February 17, 2025, in honor of Presidents' Day. | |
COMMUNITY CLEANUP DAY: Let’s join together to make our neighborhood a cleaner, friendlier place! Grab your gloves and help clean up litter while meeting your neighbors and making friends! Together, we can make a difference!
On Saturday, February 22, 10am-12noon, meet at the corner of Shoup and Miranda. Garbage bags will be provided. Volunteers will be served lunch at the Thompsons’ house on Philiprimm. To get more info or RSVP, please email
Often we get prepared for Lent a bit late in the game. Well, I’d like to get you to think about your spiritual life and growth a few weeks early. As numbers of you know, last fall I joined one of the “New Monastic Communities” that are emerging throughout the world. I have been a Christian for over 40 years, and I was still feeling a call to “go deeper” in the experience of my faith with Jesus.
First, I invite you to read the linked article from Christianity Today on New Monasticism titled Living Like a Monk in the Age of Fast Living (
Second, if you are interested in learning more about New Monasticism, and perhaps even exploring taking religious vows yourself, the Order of the Mustard Seed (OMS) is having a welcome webinar on Tuesday, March 18, 2025, at 12 noon. This webinar is for learning more about the OMS community, exploring the vows of Being True to Christ, Being Kind to others, and taking the Gospel of Jesus to the world. There will also be information about the application and admissions process, as well as an opportunity to ask your questions to current members.
To sign up for this webinar, please fill out the information at this link:
Any questions about this, please do not hesitate to call me.
+Grace and Peace,
Fr. Rand OMS
With Fr. Rand retiring in June, we will begin a search for a new rector. The vestry met with Canon Tom Discavage this past Wednesday. Canon Tom is in charge of the Office of Formation and Transition Ministry at the Diocese. He will be working with us during this entire process.
The first task we have to undertake is writing a Parish Profile. The Parish Profile aims to tell the story of our parish, what makes us unique. This profile should include:
- The mission or vision statement of the church,
- The history of the parish,
- The parish relationship with the wider community,
- The ministries of the parish,
- The financial situation of the parish,
- The worship life of the parish,
- The challenges and opportunities of the parish,
- And - The future hopes and dreams of the parish.
Patty Papps has agreed to undertake this task: heading the development of this profile. Patty cannot do this alone. We are asking for volunteers to work with Patty and take one of the pieces and develop it. Ideally, we would like to have small teams to work on each section of this profile.
Please think about it. Pray about it. If you feel called to work on this, please contact either Patty or myself .
Many thanks –
Bill Prescott
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Prayer of the Week
Dear Lord God,
Thank You for this new day.
Each and every day, as the Earth spins on its axis,
the sun shines light on every living thing, all created by You.
The light You provide,
in the day and through the night,
brings life and rhythm to me.
It is in You that I live and move and have my being.
(Acts 17:28)
I cannot will my heart to beat.
It is no design of mine that my life should include
laughter and dancing and weeping and love.
You have woven Your image and joy into every person.
Your timeline is outside of mine,
You move through eternity.
Here I am Lord, small and flawed and fearful;
please heal me and use me.
Every year, spring emerges from winter.
Every year flowers peek out from the soil.
As I wait for spring, I remember
that You work in mysterious ways.
I pray that Your love and goodness
will take root in my heart and bloom in my life.
I am in awe of You, my Sovereign Lord.
I pray that my life will be marked
by a sense of reverence and wonder for You.
In the holy name of Jesus I pray,
(from, Prime Time with God (PTWG))
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(If you would like to submit a Prayer of the Week, please send it to Cara Gordon . Thank you!) | |
CHURCH OUTREACH: The Outreach Committee has turned its focus toward needs arising from the recent fires. From its annual discretionary fund, the committee authorized gifts of $1,000 to each of the clergy of Saint Matthew’s, Pacific Palisades and Saint Mark’s, Altadena, who have lost their homes or otherwise experienced significant personal losses. The Committee has also determined that our annual Lent / Easter offering, beginning Sunday, March 9, will support relief efforts for these two parishes as they recover and rebuild from the fires. | |
FIRE RELIEF: In times of crisis, we can feel frozen by the enormity of need. The question Christians must ask ourselves is, “What can we do?” The Diocese of Los Angeles is asking for contributions to the “ONE BODY ONE SPIRIT FUND” to help these churches and others in need. Please use this QR code to make an electronic contribution, or feel free to write a check to Prince of Peace, and in the memo line, please write Fire Relief.
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Prayer Shawl Ministry: Wishing you all a very blessed holiday season! Our first Prayer Shawl Ministry meeting for 2025 will be held Saturday, February 22, 2025, in the Guild Room, a half hour earlier than usual, from 9:30 to 10:30am. Shawls will be placed on the altar to be blessed Sunday morning, February 23. Come on by and enjoy wonderful fellowship! If you would like to learn how to knit or crochet, I’ll provide hooks, needles, a pattern, and yarn! Thank you! - Margie Pavlovsky
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EXCEPTIONAL FAMILIES WORSHIP SERVICE IS COMING! Saturday, February 22 at 5pm, please join us for the Exceptional Families Worship Service. Worship, Praise, Communion in the Sanctuary with dinner to follow in the Reasoner Family Center. Families with special needs -- and everyone -- is welcome!! See Nancy Alspaugh Jackson to sign up to help with food.
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West Valley Food Pantry/Prince of Peace Community Center construction updates: Here are some updated photos of the Food Pantry. As you can see, a lot of progress has been made since those first beginnings. We've also finally received our truck from the LA Regional Food Bank which will really help us a lot!
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Condolences to the family and friends of Connie Kuhne. A Memorial Service celebrating her life will be held at Prince of Peace Saturday, February 22 at 11am, with a reception following in the Reasoner Family Center.
+Condolences to the family and friends of Michelle Schofield. A Memorial Service celebrating her life will be held on March 1 at 11am, with a reception following in the Reasoner Family Center.
+Condolences to the family and friends of Joi Chase. A Memorial Service celebrating her life will be held on March 8. Information about memorial services will be provided as it becomes available.
May their souls rest in peace
and light perpetual shine upon them.
Happy Valentine's Day! Please note there is NO SUNDAY SCHOOL THIS WEEK.
Vacation Bible School: TRUE NORTH: Trusting Jesus in a Wild World
Our Vacation Bible School Adventure will be on July 14-18 (9am-3:30pm). Invite your friends and family to come to VBS. Many families are already planning their children’s summer program. Send them this Valentine Card and VBS invitation. The QR code in the image above is an easy way to register! We are building our VBS Team now – come join us! Help us with planning and preparations for this BIG week. Please contact Alma Fountain –
God bless you and all the children Jesus entrusted in our care!
Alma Fountain
Youth Alpha: "What's On Your Mind?" A new video series that explores religious questions on the minds of Youth framed in the perspective of today's world -- how we influence how we are influenced. Upcoming classes: February 23, March 9, March 23, April 6, April 27, May 11 and May 25. - Dave Dumas
SHROVE TUESDAY DINNER: Our annual Youth-sponsored Parish event, the Shrove Tuesday Dinner, will be served on Tuesday, March 4, 2025, from 5-6pm. Pancakes, sausage, fruit, juice, and coffee will be served. Please join us!
MANY THANKS to Andrew Pullinger, who repaired our broken candle! We appreciate your hard work!
| ANNUAL MEETING: Prince of Peace Episcopal Church held its Annual Meeting Sunday, February 2, 2025. Our four new Vestry members - Kevin Fountain, Lydia Lee-Chin, Ann Lowe, and Pat Parks - were all voted in. If you weren't able to attend, the livestream is archived on our YouTube Channel at You may also read the PDF of the Annual Report here: | Photos Request: Do the photos on the Prince of Peace website seem dated to you? You can help bring things up-to-date by contributing current photos of events around the campus to the webmaster ( I put together a little note on how to format photos and how to share them with me at If you have a photo story to tell, send it to me. | |
February 9th prayer requests and thanksgivings have been compiled and are available here for your prayers and meditation. Updated prayer requests are printed on a WEEKLY basis.
Please submit your prayer requests and thanksgivings in church on the yellow or blue prayer slips, OR by clicking here.
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