Prince of Peace Internet Intercessors
Prayer is important to our wellbeing. The Internet Intercessor Prayer ministry is a group of parishoners who stay
"on call" via email and social media to provide prayer support for those who need prayers "right now".
What is It and How Does It Work?
There are currently about 56 Intercessors that belong to Prince of Peace's Intercessors Group.
It is the biggest prayer group in this church. When there is a prayer need, members of the
Intercessors Group can post a request
on the Intercessors Site by sending an email to The request then goes out to
all Intercessors by email. Intercessors, with the help of the Holy Spirit, pray for the needs of the individual.
If you have a prayer request, are not a member of the group, and would like the
Internet Intercessors to pray, please contact:
We will make sure that your prayer request is posted on the Intercessors Group.
Becoming an Intercessor
To pray on behalf of others you need to commit to pray for the needs of
others, commit to total confidentiality, be willing to join the Internet
Intercessors Group Site and be open and responsive to the direction of the
Holy Spirit.
Confidentiality is the key to having others trust us with their most
intimate concerns.
Never talk about prayer requests that have been posted on the Intercessors
Group Site even if the need is common knowledge in the church community.
Never forward a prayer request to someone outside the Intercessors Group
Site. Information is to be shared with God only. It can be a challenge for
persons who have asked for prayers to be asked about something they thought
was supposed to be confidential. It is essential to remember prayer requests
go directly to God and nowhere else.
If you can say yes to these commitments and would like to pray on behalf of
others please contact B. Sue Ferron at and request an invitation to
join the Internet Intercessors Group.