Ministry Opportunities at Prince of Peace

... let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:16

The gifts he gave were that some would be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ
Ephesians 4:11-12

As a Christian community, we feel called to service in many ways.

In Worship

Acolytes Palm Sunday Our youth are given opportunities to serve as acolytes and participate in worship services along with the clurgy and eucharistic ministers.

There are many opportunities for lay parish members to aid the clergy during the worship services.

  • Eucharistic Ministers are lay parishoners authorized to administer and distribute 'Holy Communion' to other parishioners
  • Acolytes assist in the worship service by carrying torches, the Gospel book, and the Cross.
  • The lector proclaims the Scripture readings.
  • Ushers aid and enhance the worship service.
  • The Altar Guild prepares the church for worship with general oversight for the appearance of the church.
  • The Music Ministry enhances the worship service, supports the liturgy, and leads the congregational singing.
  • The Healing Ministry is available after the Sunday worship and at times of need.
  • "Filming" Crew operate the cameras and computers needed to broadcast our worship services live.

In Education

Vacation Bible School Summer vacation bible school draws upon adults and youth to guide children from the congregation and the surrounding community in fun activities that teach bible lessons.

Our educational ministries offer opportunities for all parish members, from the youngest to the oldest

  • Children's and Family Ministry are aimed at pre-school and elementary school children and their families. See Children
  • Youth Ministry activities for middle and high school parish members. These young members have opportunities in other parish roles as well. See Youth
  • Adult Education provides opportunities in leading small groups, special parish studies, Alpha courses, and other gatherings to learn more about and improve upon our journey in Jesus' footsteps.

In Evangelism

Ashes to Go A tradition has formed among parishioners to participate in "Ashes to Go" on Ash Wednesday. We stand on a busy intersection and offer ashes and encourage repentance to those passing by.

The resurrected Jesus Christ told his disciples to spread the faith to all the nations of the world. Our members are engaged in many activities that emphasize mission work and evangelim.

  • Ashes to Go takes the liturgy of Ash Wednesday to a busy intersection in Woodland Hills to all who desire.
  • Worship Without Walls hopes to revive our pre-pandemic summer-time, informal worship services in local parks on Sunday afternoon.
  • The Alpha Course offers discussions between long-time and new christians about their personal relationship with God.

In Service

PATH Vet Home Parishoners help furnish a dwelling for a homeless veteran in 2016

Our outreach opportunities provide services to others about us. Areas of active parish support include:

  • The West Valley Food Pantry — Prince of Peace founded this ministry, and provides space and resources on our campus. This community partnership provides food assistance to the homeless and needy families in Los Angeles county. Many parish members are volunteers in the day-to-day operations.
  • Episcopal Church Women — (ECW) provides an environment for POP women to grow in faith and use their talents in our community. Activities include the Kathie Clark Scholarship for young women entering college, the rummage sale, the Palm Sunday and Thanksgiving bake sales, and many other service and fellowship activities.
  • Days for Girls — sewing and assembling sustainable feminine hygiene kits to be distributed to girls in third world countries.
  • Prayer Shawl Ministry — knits Prayer Shawls to be shared with those ill, suffering loss, or in the mist of a life criss and in need of comfort.

Prince of Peace has donated our Easter and Christmas offerings to provide financial support for a number of local and international organizations. Among them:

  • Angels Way — a program home for single, pregnant women eighteen years of age or older.
  • Our Little Roses — an orphanage in Honduras that houses and educates young girls who would otherwise live on the street.
  • Turkey/Syria earthquake relief — through Episcopal Relief and Developments. ERD contributions also provided support for the wildfire victims on Maui.
  • PATH Ventures — funding a veterans home furnishing program
  • Mercy Ships — state-of-the-art hospital ships delivering medical care to those in need.
  • Rip Medical Debt Relief — purchase unpaid medical debt.

In Parish Support

Work Party 2005 From time to time a work party is organized to clean and repair the campus.

Volunteers contribute to all the ministries of the church, but sometimes the ministry is just helping the parish function.

  • Facilities Committee &mdssh; works on both short and long term planning and care of the campus. Parishoners help fix things, clean, garden, and other daily chores around the campus.
  • Counters — meet every Monday to count and deposit the offerings and pledges.
  • Office volunteers — help answer phones, assist visitors, and prepare parish publications and worship bulletins.
  • Stewardship Committee — organizes and conducts the annual pledge drive.

You may find one of our ministries to be an outlet for your talents. If you are interested, please submit our ministry form indicating your interests.

Ministry Interest Form