Outdoor Worship Services at 9 am on the Patio

In-person worship services resume on the Prince of Peace patio at 9 am beginning April 11th. Social distancing, mask wearing, and hand sanitizing will be in effect in accordance with guidelines set forth by the Bishop of Los Angeles and the City of Los Angeles. For the safety of all, we are announcing the following attendance and registration procedures.

Pre-registration is required! Capacity restraints mean that attendence will be limited, so only those who have registered in advance may attend. [See below for how to register. If you have any problems with the on-line registration, please contact Ann Gillinger at the POP office (office@popwh.org or 818-346-6968), and she will make sure you are signed up.]

Guidelines for Outside Worship


  • There will be limited parking in the church parking lot. Parking along Rudnick and Collins streets will also be available.

  • Please enter the patio from the parking lot. Masks are required and physical distance must be observed while on the church campus!


  • We are required by the LA Public Health Department to keep attendance of everyone on the church campus to facilitate possible contact tracing later.

  • Please proceed to the check-in table located on the patio next to the big parking lot. An usher will check your name off of the list of attendees. You will also be asked to confirm that you are feeling healthy and that you do not have any symptoms of COVID-19.


  • Seating with be assigned based on family groups. You will be directed to your seat by the ushers at check-in. A bulletin for the service will be on each seat. A communion wafer will be at each seat in a container.


  • Children must remain with their parents or guardians at all times.


  • After the service, please exit the church campus observing social distancing.

  • There is no coffee hour. Worshipers are to leave the church property promptly upon dismissal, and masks must be worn until they are in their cars.


  • The restrooms will be open. Only one person may occupy a restroom at a time.

Thank you for your understanding and your participation in this service. We will keep the community of Prince of Peace safe and comfortable. We look forward to seeing you soon.

Before you sign-up!

Please be able to answer all of the following questions with NO before you sign-up for a service!

Have you experienced any of the following symptons in the past 48 hours that you cannot attribute to another health condition:

      Fever or chills


      Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing


      Muscle or body aches


      New loss of taste or smell

      Sore throat

      Congestion or runny nose

      Nausea or vomiting


Within the past 14 days, have you been in close physical contact (6’ for closer for at least 15 minutes) with a person who is known to have laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 or with anyone who has any symptoms consistent with COVID-19?

Are you isolating or quarantining because you may have been exposed to a person with COVID-19 or are worried that you may be sick with COVID-19?

Are you currently waiting on the results of a COVID-19 test?

If all of your answers to the above were NO, then proceed to sign-up!
(You will be asked these questions again when you arrive at the church campus.)

Sign Up!   Click here to Sign Up for Sunday, May 30th at 9 am.