Resources and Useful Sites
Looking for the Lectionary or some information about Episcopalians? Maybe some of the links below can provide a start for your search.
Worship Resources
A Liturgical Calendar for Upcoming Weeks (Episcopal)
A collection of Lectionary resources for the Episcopal Church. Updated every Sunday night.
Morning and Evening Prayer (Rite 2)
Home of Forward Day by Day, but includes other daily devotions including Daily Office.
Bible Readings in many translations.
Look up Bible verses. Many translations.
The Book of Common Prayer.
About Episcopalians
News, events, and information from the national leadership.
The Episcopal Church Evangelism Resources Page.
News, events, and information from the Los Angeles Dioceses.
Anglicans around the world.
Website of the Washington DC National Cathedral.
Community Information
A forum for community engagement to make our streets safer and to improve the quality of life.
A free of charge community service to connect those in need of food, clothing, jobs, and/or financial aid to a variety of local and state programs.
Actually the West Valley Warner Center Chamber of Commerce, but close enough.
A guide to neighborhood associations in West Hills.
Local live theater news and production information.
Information about our local and very active Scout troop.