Children's and Families Ministry


Church School Bible Study
Acting out part of their Bible journey in church school, the children participate in a banquet held in honor of Queen Esther.

Teaching and leading our children is a central ministry of our church. When we witness a baptism, we as a congregation pledge to do all in our power to support the baptised person in their life in Christ. We rely upon many dedicated volunteers to provide an environment where our children can learn of the love that God has for them.

Children in preschool and kindergarten through grade 5 are Champions. In the Sunday morning 10am ministry for children the Bible is taught creatively with skits, videos, music and interactive storytelling. Grade level small groups are intentionally shepherd by loving leaders dedicated to sharing God's love. All of the church school leaders and assistants are required to have a background check.

The acronym we have chosen for the church school is SHINE

      Share in God's word. (worship)

      Help others. (service)

      Invite others to know Jesus. (evangelism)

      Nurture friendships. (fellowship)

      Experience God's love. (discipleship)

Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:16

Sunday School Curriculum — Following the Lectionary

Sunday School meets during the 10 am Sunday service. The preschool meet in the preschool room (by the Guild room) and K and up meet in the Reasoner Family Center. The lesson topics will follow the church year lectionary, so the children's ministry and the adult ministry will be unified.

Special Events at the Church School Throughout the Year

Pretzel Sunday First Sunday in Lent. Make pretzels for congregation to remind them to pray
Big Fill Palm Sunday. Stuff Easter Eggs for Easter Sunday Eggs Hunts
Easter Sunday Eggs Hunts after the 8 am and 10 am services
Blessing of the Animals Sunday after Easter Sunday. All children are invited to bring their loving pets or a favorite plush animal for a blessing.
Vacation Bible School Week after July 4th Holiday
VBS Celebration Sunday Vacation Bible School children sing, dance, and take part in the 10 am service
August Free Play Sundays Bring friends for Games and Crafts
Samaritan's Purse Outreach Children collect and pack Christmas boxes for less fortunate children
Children's Christmas Pageant Children present the Christmas story at 10 am service
Special Family Sundays  

Children's Video Lessons from the COVID lockdown are Available in this Playlist

A number of videos were produced while the church was in COVID lockdown. These videos have been placed in a YouTube Playlist so that they can be accessed at any time.

Children's Video Playlist