Prince of Peace Episcopal Church

5700 Rudnick Ave., Woodland Hills, CA 91367
(818) 346-6968

A dynamic Christian Community called to know, love, and serve Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and to share His healing and transformation with all people.

Join us in Worship

Bread and Wine

Holy Communion

Sunday 8 am
Spoken Service
Sunday 10 am
Music, Choir, Sunday School and Live Stream
Watch Streamed Service Download Service Bulletin Download Service Hymns

Wednesday 8 am
Communion in the Chapel followed by Contental Breakfast

Join us in Prayer

Explore Prince of Peace

Meet the Leadership

Clergy Greetings after the Service
Prince of Peace is blessed with our wonderful clergy and staff. Their guidance and hard work inspire our congregation to grow closer to God, to love and support one another, and to go out and show the love of God to our neighbors both in our communities and in the wider world.
Meet our Leadership

Explore Our Ministries

Days for Girls Meeting
Prince of Peace is engaged in many ministries both near the campus and around the world. For a summary of current and past ministries go to our Ministries page. (Photo above: meeting of Days for Girls.)

Our Educational Ministries

Children's Ministry

VBS Children
In-person Sunday School (Preschool — 5th grade) meets during the 10 am service. Fun, interactive lessons follow the Church Year Bible Readings. Loving Nursery care is also available. For details and the Events Calendar go to the Children's page.

Youth Ministry

POP Youth
The Youth Group meets twice monthly on the second and fourth Sundays of the month at 10 am in the Youth Room. Please watch the bulletin, the Happenings emails, and our social media sites frequently for other events.

For more information about the Youth program go to the Youth page.

Adult Small Groups

Bible Study
Our Small Group Studies continue with each group choosing their own topics. If you wish to join a group (and are not already part of one), contact Bill Prescott or the church office.

Around the Parish

Exercise Class Exercise Classes
Qigong 9 am Tuesdays
Tai Chi & Qigong 10 am Saturday
Suggested donation $10/class

Where to Find Us

Church Office Hours — 9 am to 3 pm, Monday through Thursday and Saturday